Dynamic host catalogs on AWS
Dynamic updates to host catalogs is an important differentiator for Boundary from traditional access methods that rely on manual target configuration, and enables even tighter integrations with major cloud providers for seamlessly onboarding cloud tenant identities, roles, and targets.
Boundary 0.7 introduces a key Boundary component by enabling automated discovery of target hosts and services. Starting with support for Azure and AWS, dynamic connections to any service registry ensures that hosts and host catalogs are consistently up-to-date. This critical workflow offers access-on-demand and eliminates the need to manually configure targets for dynamic, cloud-based infrastructure.
This tutorial demonstrates configuring a dynamic host catalog using Amazon Web Services.
Dynamic hosts catalog overview
- Get setup
- Dynamic host catalogs background
- Set up cloud hosts
- Build a host catalog
- Verify catalog membership
A Boundary binary greater than 0.7.1 in your
This tutorial assumes you can connect to an HCP Boundary cluster or launch Boundary in dev mode.
An Amazon Web Services test account. This tutorial requires the creation of new cloud resources and will incur costs associated with the deployment and management of these resources.
Installing the AWS CLI provides an optional workflow for this tutorial. If using the AWS CLI, CloudFormation must also be available within your
.Installing Terraform 0.14.9 or greater provides an optional workflow for this tutorial. The binary must be available in your
Get setup
In this tutorial, you will test dynamic host catalog integrations using HCP Boundary or by running a Boundary controller locally using dev mode.
The HCP Quickstart tutorials provide an overview of getting started with an HCP Boundary cluster.
If you have an HCP Boundary cluster deployed, the Access HCP Boundary tutorial provides an overview of configuring your local machine to authenticate with your HCP cluster.
This tutorial provides both CLI and UI workflows for setting up Dynamic updates to host catalogs on AWS.
To proceed with the CLI workflow:
Log in to the Boundary web UI and copy your org ID by clicking the copy icon.
Open a terminal session and set a environment variable for the org ID.
$ export ORG_ID=<org-id>
In the Boundary web UI, click Orgs in the left navigation menu to return to the global scope, and then click Auth Methods.
Click the copy icon for the Password auth method.
In your terminal set an environment variable named
to the copied ID.$ export BOUNDARY_AUTH_METHOD_ID=<auth-id>
Click Projects in the left navigation and then click the project card.
Click the copy icon for the project.
In your terminal set an environment variable named
to the copied ID.$ export PROJECT_ID=<project-id>
Close the Boundary web UI.
Return to the HCP web Portal Boundary page, then click the copy icon for the Cluster URL in the Getting started with Boundary section.
In your terminal, set the
environment variable to the copied URL.$ export BOUNDARY_ADDR=<actual-boundary-address>
Log in with the administrator credentials you created when you deployed the HCP Boundary instance. Ensure that the
environment variables are set, then runboundary authenticate
. Enter your password at thePlease enter the password (it will be hidden):
prompt.$ boundary authenticate Please enter the login name (it will be hidden): Please enter the password (it will be hidden): Authentication information: Account ID: acctpw_VOeNSFX8pQ Auth Method ID: ampw_wxzojlKJLN Expiration Time: Mon, 13 Feb 2023 12:35:32 MST User ID: u_1vUkf5fPs9 The token was successfully stored in the chosen keyring and is not displayed here.
You are now logged into your HCP Boundary instance's Global scope via the CLI. This is the default scope for all new Boundary clusters.
Dynamic host catalogs background
In a cloud operating model infrastructure resources are highly dynamic and ephemeral. Boundary lacks an on-target agent or daemon, and as a result cannot recognize when a host service migrates or is redeployed. Instead, Boundary relies on an external entity, such as manual configuration by an administrator or IaC application (such as Terraform), to ensure host definitions route to the appropriate network location. This is a pattern followed by many other secure access solutions.
Dynamic host catalog plugins provide an alternative mechanism for automating the discovery and configuration of Boundary hosts and targets by delegating the host registry and their connection information to a cloud infrastructure provider. Administrators provide credentials to the catalog provider and a set of tag-based rules for discovery resources in the catalog. For example, "this catalog contains all EC2 instance types in AWS’s US-West-2 region within the marketing subscription". This model differs from other that rely on either IaC target discovery or agent-based target discovery.
To accommodate this model, Boundary 0.7.0 introduces plugin support via Go-Plugin for expanding the dynamic host catalog ecosystem. While this initial release of Boundary plug-ins are limited to dynamic host catalogs, plugins enable a future ecosystem of partner and community contributed integrations across each step in the Boundary access workflow.
Host tag filtering
To successfully maintain a dynamic host catalog, hosts should be tagged in a logical way that enables sorting into the appropriate host sets identifiable by filters.
For example, this tutorial configures hosts on AWS using the following tags:
Hosts tagged accordingly will be sorted into any host catalogs and host sets configured using these filtering attributes.
Set up cloud hosts
This tutorial deploys cloud machines to test host catalog plugin configuration. You are responsible for any costs incurred by following the steps in this tutorial. Recommendations for destroying the associated cloud resources are detailed in the Cleanup and teardown section.
An Amazon Web Services test account is required to set up the Boundary AWS host plugin.
This tutorial enables configuration of the test hosts using the AWS CLI, Terraform, or the AWS Console UI.
An AWS account and sample application are required to setup the AWS hosts plugin for Boundary. If you don't have an account, sign up for AWS. A free account is suitable for the steps outlined in this tutorial, but please note that you are responsible for any charges incurred by following the steps in this tutorial.
This tutorial sets up permissions and hosts for host catalogs using the AWS CLI and CloudFormation.
There are four tasks necessary to set up hosts using the AWS CLI.
- Deploy and tag the host set members appropriately
- Configure user permissions for Boundary
- Assign
IAM privileges to the configured IAM user (may be skipped) - Generate a Secret Access Key for the IAM user, enabling Boundary to authenticate and access the tagged hosts
First, ensure that the AWS CLI is configured correct with your account credentials. You will need the AWS Access Key, Secret Access Key, and (if needed) a Session Token.
Common ways to get set up include:
- Execute
aws configure
and pass the access values - Export the access values as environment variables
- Configure the AWS credentials file
For more information on setting up the AWS CLI to interact with AWS, check the Configuring the AWS CLI documentation.
Create hosts
This tutorial deploys tagged hosts to test the dynamic host catalog integration.
To easily deploy a set of pre-configured hosts, a CloudFormation template file is available for use with AWS. CloudFormation is used to easily deploy the EC2 instances in this tutorial.
Clone down the sample template repository.
$ git clone
Navigate into the aws
$ cd learn-boundary-cloud-host-catalogs/aws/
The provided aws-dynamic-hosts.json
template will be used to deploy a
CloudFormation resource stack that contains the hosts to be included in our
Boundary host catalog.
This tutorial uses the us-east-1a
availability zone to deploy the EC2
instances, but you can use any region you want. To change the region, open the
file and update the AvailabilityZone
Next, create a
to be used for the instances. Alternatively, you may open the
file and update the boundary-keypair
to match the
name of an existing EC2 keypair.
$ aws ec2 create-key-pair \
--key-name boundary-keypair \
--key-type rsa \
--query "KeyMaterial" \
--output text > boundary-keypair.pem
The boundary-keypair.pem
file was created within your working
directory. This tutorial does not log into the associated VMs, but it is best
practice to retain the private key for the duration of the tutorial. The
tutorial deletes this keypair in the Cleanup and
teardown section. If you choose to keep this keypair,
consider moving it into another directory like ~/.aws/
. Do not check this
key into source control.
Ensure you are within the learn-boundary-cloud-host-catalogs/aws/
where the aws-dynamic-hosts.json
file is located.
Deploy a new resource stack using the provided aws-dynamic-hosts.json
$ aws cloudformation create-stack \
--stack-name boundary-dynamic-hosts \
--template-body file://./aws-dynamic-hosts.json
Example output:
$ aws cloudformation create-stack \
--stack-name boundary-dynamic-hosts \
--template-body file://./aws-dynamic-hosts.json
"StackId": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:157470686136:stack/boundary-dynamic-hosts/c29af940-78b6-11ec-849d-12bc7613d5b9"
The deployment may take a few minutes.
Check that the stack was successfully created.
$ aws cloudformation list-stacks
"StackSummaries": [
"StackId": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:157470686136:stack/boundary-dynamic-hosts/da9ebb30-78a7-11ec-bb47-0eddcb3d6bf3",
"StackName": "boundary-dynamic-hosts",
"TemplateDescription": "AWS CloudFormation template for Boundary Dynamic Hosts tutorial. Deploying this template will incur costs to your AWS account.",
"CreationTime": "2022-01-18T22:43:11.249000+00:00",
"StackStatus": "CREATE_COMPLETE",
"DriftInformation": {
"StackDriftStatus": "NOT_CHECKED"
Lastly, verify that the hosts were successfully created by printing their
tag using aws ec2 describe-instances
. The following command will only
print running instances, and will also report the availability zone and instance
ID in table format.
$ aws ec2 describe-instances \
--output table \
--filters Name=instance-state-name,Values=running \
--filters Name=tag-key,Values=Name \
--query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].{Instance:InstanceId,AZ:Placement.AvailabilityZone,Name:Tags[?Key==`Name`]|[0].Value}'
$ aws ec2 describe-instances \
--output table \
--filters Name=instance-state-name,Values=running \
--filters Name=tag-key,Values=Name \
--query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].{Instance:InstanceId,AZ:Placement.AvailabilityZone,Name:Tags[?Key==`Name`]|[0].Value}'
| DescribeInstances |
| AZ | Instance | Name |
| us-east-1a| i-06f5a1240a2e0c3fb | boundary-3-production |
| us-east-1a| i-0657b0de7662f9863 | boundary-1-dev |
| us-east-1a| i-0ac5cfcae66bdacf5 | boundary-2-dev |
| us-east-1a| i-0b6d3ad435c586783 | boundary-4-production |
Configure an IAM user
Usually, you might configure an IAM user with the correct policies assigned for keeping the dynamic host catalog up-to-date. You may also use an existing IAM user and assign it the policy, or an IAM instance profile.
This tutorial demonstrates creating a new IAM user, but the tutorial can also be continued using root credentials. To continue using root credentials, skip to the Gather plugin details section.
Next, create a new IAM user for Boundary.
$ aws iam create-user --user-name boundary
"User": {
"Path": "/",
"UserName": "boundary",
"Arn": "arn:aws:iam::157470686136:user/boundary",
"CreateDate": "2022-01-12T19:35:32+00:00"
Create a new file called boundary-describe-instances-policy.json
, and fill it
with the following policy:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "*"
This policy allows the boundary
IAM user to run the DescribeInstances
call, similar to running the aws ec2 describe-instances
command using the CLI.
Boundary will be able to list these details, including the host's tags. This
will allow Boundary to sort hosts into their appropriate catalogs.
Next, attach this as an inline policy to the boundary
user, giving it the name
. This command assume the json policy file is located
in the same directory the command is executed from.
$ aws iam put-user-policy \
--user-name boundary \
--policy-name BoundaryDescribeInstances \
--policy-document file://./boundary-describe-instances-policy.json
Check your work by listing the policies attached to the user.
$ aws iam get-user-policy --user-name boundary --policy-name BoundaryDescribeInstances
"UserName": "boundary",
"PolicyName": "BoundaryDescribeInstances",
"PolicyDocument": {
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "*"
The last step is to create an access key for the user.
$ aws iam create-access-key --user-name boundary
"AccessKey": {
"UserName": "boundary",
"Status": "Active",
"SecretAccessKey": "8BnyuNv7egZG9/k/+d79JGLoJXcqXGEZiUPEcx0O",
"CreateDate": "2022-01-19T02:26:11+00:00"
Keep the AccessKeyId
and SecretAccessKey
in a safe location for the
remainder of this tutorial.
To get ready to configure Boundary, export these values as environment variables.
$ export BOUNDARY_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<AWS Access Key ID> \
This tutorial disables credential rotation for the host catalog. To learn more about the required IAM permissions for enabling credential rotation, refer to the boundary-plugin-host-aws documentation.
Gather plugin details
To use the Boundary AWS hosts
the following details must be available for a user that has access to the
- AWS Access Key ID
- AWS Secret Access Key
These values should be available as environment variables within the terminal
session, or copied to a safe location for use when setting up Boundary. This
tutorial created the IAM user boundary
and exported these values as
environment variables.
If using root credentials instead of creating an IAM user, you should export these values as the environment variables defined below. These values will be passed to Boundary when creating the host catalog later on.
$ export BOUNDARY_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<AWS Access Key ID> \
Host catalog plugins
For Boundary, the process for creating a dynamic host catalog has two steps:
- Create a plugin-type host catalog
- Create a host set that defines membership using filters
A plugin-type host catalog can be created using some cloud provider resource details, and the host set is then defined using a filter that selects hosts for membership based on the tags defined when setting up the hosts.
Host set filter expressions are defined by the plugin provider, in this case
AWS. The AWS plugin uses simple filter queries to specify tags
associated with hosts based on tag:Name=Value
For example, a host set filter that selects all hosts tagged with
"service-type": "database"
is written as:
Resources within AWS can generally be filtered by tag names and values, and filters can be designed to use either/or selectors for tag values. This process is described in the Boundary AWS Host Plugin documentation.
To learn more about AWS filters for listing resources, visit the
CLI documentation
and the Describe Instances AWS EC2 API
Build a host catalog
With the cloud provider details gathered, a plugin host catalog can now be created that will contain the respective host sets for the database and application filters.
Create a host catalog plugin
Check that the AWS parameter environment variable values were set correctly in your session.
If you proceeded without setting up the boundary
IAM user, expand
the accordion to proceed.
Boundary simply requires user credentials that can execute the aws ec2
To proceed with different user credentials (such as root account credentials for
testing purposes) simply export these values and provide them to Boundary in the
following section. These values may already be available in your terminal
session as the $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
If necessary, authenticate to Boundary as the admin user.
$ boundary authenticate
Please enter the login name (it will be hidden):
Please enter the password (it will be hidden):
Authentication information:
Account ID: acctpw_VOeNSFX8pQ
Auth Method ID: ampw_wxzojlKJLN
Expiration Time: Mon, 13 Feb 2023 12:35:32 MST
User ID: u_1vUkf5fPs9
The token was successfully stored in the chosen keyring and is not displayed here.
Next, create a new plugin-type host catalog with a -plugin-name
of aws
providing the Boundary Access Key ID and Boundary Secret Access Key using the
flag. These values should map to the environment variables defined
above. Additionally, ensure disable_credential_rotation
and region
are set
using the -attr
$ boundary host-catalogs create plugin \
-scope-id $PROJECT_ID \
-plugin-name aws \
-attr disable_credential_rotation=true \
-attr region=us-east-1 \
-secret access_key_id=env://BOUNDARY_ACCESS_KEY_ID \
-secret secret_access_key=env://BOUNDARY_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
Command flags:
: This corresponds to the host catalog plugin's name, such asazure
: This tutorial utilizes a static secret by setting this value totrue
: The region to configure the host catalog for. All host sets in this catalog will be configured for this regionaccess_key_id
: The access key ID for the IAM user to use with this host catalogsecret_access_key
: The secret access key for the IAM user to use with this host catalog
Although credentials are stored encrypted within Boundary, by
default this plugin attempts to rotate credentials supplied through the
object during a create or update call to the host catalog resource.
The given credentials will be used to create a new credential, and then the
given credential will be revoked. In this way, after rotation, only Boundary
knows the client secret in use by this plugin. Credential rotation will be
generally available in a future release of Boundary.
Sample output:
$ boundary host-catalogs create plugin \
-scope-id p_1234567890 \
-plugin-name aws \
-attr disable_credential_rotation=true \
-attr region=us-east-1 \
-secret access_key_id=env://BOUNDARY_ACCESS_KEY_ID \
-secret secret_access_key=env://BOUNDARY_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
Host Catalog information:
Created Time: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 10:08:12 MDT
ID: hcplg_N9p1Woaq8l
Plugin ID: pl_1PRTDb78iY
Secrets HMAC: 3AcXDqAEALitc7WKM2KUw8dSUVEyYG2391x1DZZCS32z
Type: plugin
Updated Time: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 10:08:12 MDT
Version: 1
ID: p_1234567890
Name: Generated project scope
Parent Scope ID: o_1234567890
Type: project
ID: pl_1PRTDb78iY
Name: aws
disable_credential_rotation: true
region: us-east-1
Authorized Actions:
Authorized Actions on Host Catalog's Collections:
Copy the host catalog ID from the output (hcplg_N9p1Woaq8l
in this example) and
store it in the HOST_CATALOG_ID
environment variable.
$ export HOST_CATALOG_ID=hcplg_N9p1Woaq8l
Create the host sets
With the dynamic host catalog created, host sets can now be defined that correspond to the service-type and application tags added to the hosts.
Recall the three host sets we wish to create:
- All hosts with a
tag ofdatabase
- All hosts with an
tag ofdev
- All hosts with an
tag ofproduction
The respective host set filters can be constructed as:
Create the first plugin host set containing hosts tagged with a service-type
of database
, supplying the host catalog ID copied above and the needed filter
using the -attr
$ boundary host-sets create plugin \
-name database \
-host-catalog-id $HOST_CATALOG_ID \
-attr filters=tag:service-type=database
Sample output:
$ boundary host-sets create plugin \
-name database \
-host-catalog-id $HOST_CATALOG_ID \
-attr filters=tag:service-type=database
Host Set information:
Created Time: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 10:20:19 MDT
Host Catalog ID: hcplg_N9p1Woaq8l
ID: hsplg_sSCs67KYGD
Name: database
Type: plugin
Updated Time: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 10:20:19 MDT
Version: 1
ID: p_1234567890
Name: Generated project scope
Parent Scope ID: o_1234567890
Type: project
ID: pl_5pQekoPRJt
Name: aws
filters: tag:service-type=database
Authorized Actions:
Copy the database host set ID from the output (hsplg_sSCs67KYGD
in this
example) and store it in the DATABASE_HOST_SET_ID
environment variable.
$ export DATABASE_HOST_SET_ID=hsplg_sSCs67KYGD
Wait a moment, then list all available hosts within the aws
host catalog,
which contains the newly created database
host set.
It may take up to five minutes for the host catalog to sync with the cloud provider.
$ boundary hosts list -host-catalog-id $HOST_CATALOG_ID
Host information:
ID: hplg_AAdFY3zsdP
External ID: i-0c482cd40f62309e2
Version: 1
Type: plugin
Authorized Actions:
ID: hplg_6PlZJpEzgx
External ID: i-0767b38ec388cf165
Version: 1
Type: plugin
Authorized Actions:
ID: hplg_7KjFRrcLxD
External ID: i-08c588f2d58120192
Version: 1
Type: plugin
Authorized Actions:
ID: hplg_FQzmhOmDqn
External ID: i-0dac079e5f8760b9c
Version: 1
Type: plugin
Authorized Actions:
If the boundary hosts list
command returns No hosts
, expand the accordion below to check your work.
If the host catalog is misconfigured, hosts will not be discoverable by Boundary. There are three issues to check:
- The host set filter is defined correctly
- The host catalog and host set ID's are exported correctly as environment variables
- The IAM profile assigning
permissions has been assigned to the IAM boundary user
Depending on the type of configuration issue, you will need to wait approximately 5 - 10 minutes for the existing host catalog or host sets to sync with the provider and refresh their values. If you do not want to wait a new host catalog and host set can be created from scratch, but these will also take several minutes to sync upon creation.
If incorrect, update the managed group filter. This process can also be used to update the managed group filter criteria in the future for any existing managed groups.
First, check the environment variables defined when creating a host catalog plugin. Ensure these are the correct values gathered when setting up the cloud hosts.
If these are incorrectly defined, set the environment variables again, and update the host catalog:
$ boundary host-catalogs update plugin \
-plugin-name aws \
-attr disable_credential_rotation=true \
-attr region=us-east-1 \
-secret access_key_id=env://BOUNDARY_ACCESS_KEY_ID \
-secret secret_access_key=env://BOUNDARY_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
Second, check is the DescribeInstances
profile was assigned to the boundary
IAM user. If incorrect permissions are assigned or the wrong user is defined,
Boundary will not be able to view the hosts.
Review the steps for configuring an IAM user.
After correcting the profile, give Boundary up to five minutes to refresh the connection to AWS, and list the available hosts again.
Now create a host set that correspond to the application
tag of dev
$ boundary host-sets create plugin \
-name dev \
-host-catalog-id $HOST_CATALOG_ID \
-attr filters=tag:application=dev
Sample output:
$ boundary host-sets create plugin \
-name dev \
-host-catalog-id $HOST_CATALOG_ID \
-attr filters=tag:application=dev
Host Set information:
Created Time: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 10:20:19 MDT
Host Catalog ID: hcplg_Ia7R4E39oF
ID: hsplg_yG2pSNlbTM
Name: dev
Type: plugin
Updated Time: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 10:20:19 MDT
Version: 1
ID: p_1234567890
Name: Generated project scope
Parent Scope ID: o_1234567890
Type: project
ID: pl_1PRTDb78iY
Name: aws
filters: tag:application=dev
Authorized Actions:
Copy the dev host set ID from the output (hsplg_yG2pSNlbTM
in this example)
and store it in the DEV_HOST_SET_ID
environment variable.
$ export DEV_HOST_SET_ID=hsplg_yG2pSNlbTM
Lastly, create a host set that correspond to the application
tag of
$ boundary host-sets create plugin \
-name production \
-host-catalog-id $HOST_CATALOG_ID \
-attr filters=tag:application=production
Sample output:
$ boundary host-sets create plugin \
-name production \
-host-catalog-id $HOST_CATALOG_ID \
-attr filters=tag:application=production
Host Set information:
Created Time: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 10:20:19 MDT
Host Catalog ID: hcplg_Ia7R4E39oF
ID: hsplg_ZmoClk4HiD
Name: production
Type: plugin
Updated Time: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 10:20:19 MDT
Version: 1
ID: p_1234567890
Name: Generated project scope
Parent Scope ID: o_1234567890
Type: project
ID: pl_1PRTDb78iY
Name: aws
filters: tag:application=production
Authorized Actions:
Copy the production host set ID from the output (hsplg_ZmoClk4HiD
in this
example) and store it in the PRODUCTION_HOST_SET_ID
environment variable.
$ export PRODUCTION_HOST_SET_ID=hsplg_ZmoClk4HiD
Verify catalog membership
With the database
, dev
, and prod
host sets defined within the aws host
catalog, the next step is to verify that the four instances listed as members of
the catalog are dynamically included in the correct host sets.
Host membership can be verified by reading the host set details and verifying its membership IDs.
First, verify that the database
host set contains all four members of the aws
host catalog.
Perform a read on the host set named database
to view its members.
$ boundary host-sets read -id $DATABASE_HOST_SET_ID
Host Set information:
Created Time: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 10:20:19 MDT
Host Catalog ID: hcplg_N9p1Woaq8l
ID: hsplg_sSCs67KYGD
Name: database
Type: plugin
Updated Time: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 10:20:19 MDT
Version: 3
ID: p_1234567890
Name: Generated project scope
Parent Scope ID: o_1234567890
Type: project
ID: pl_1PRTDb78iY
Name: aws
filters: tag:service-type=database
Authorized Actions:
Host IDs:
If the Host IDs
section is missing, expand the troubleshooting accordion to
diagnose what could be wrong.
If the host catalog is misconfigured, hosts will not be discoverable by Boundary.
At this point in the tutorial hosts are contained within the host catalog, but not appearing in one or more host sets. This implies that the host set itself is misconfigured.
Above, you performed a read
on the database host set. Check the Attributes
section, and verify it matches the correctly defined filter:
filters: tag:service-type=database
If the tag is incorrectly assigned, perform an update on the affected host set to fix the filter:
$ boundary host-sets update plugin \
-name production \
-attr filters=tag:application=production
After updating the filter, Boundary will automatically refresh the host set.
Depending on the type of configuration issue, you will need to wait approximately 5 - 10 minutes for the existing host catalog or host sets to sync with the provider and refresh their values. If you do not want to wait a new host catalog and host set can be created from scratch, but these will also take several minutes to sync upon creation.
Check that the updated filter is working by performing another read
on the
host set.
$ boundary host-sets read -id $DATABASE_HOST_SET_ID
If the dev
or production
host sets are affected by incorrect filters, follow
the same procedure to update their filters accordingly.
Next, read the dev
host set details. Verify the Host IDs are the correctly
tagged hosts from the cloud provider.
$ boundary host-sets read -id $DEV_HOST_SET_ID
Host Set information:
Created Time: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 10:27:29 MDT
Host Catalog ID: hcplg_Ia7R4E39oF
ID: hsplg_yG2pSNlbTM
Name: dev
Type: plugin
Updated Time: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 10:27:29 MDT
Version: 2
ID: p_1234567890
Name: Generated project scope
Parent Scope ID: o_1234567890
Type: project
ID: pl_1PRTDb78iY
Name: aws
filters: tag:application=dev
Authorized Actions:
Host IDs:
Notice the Host IDs
section of the output, which returns the two dev instances
configured in AWS.
Next, read the production host set and verify its Host IDs.
$ boundary host-sets read -id $PRODUCTION_HOST_SET_ID
Host Set information:
Created Time: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 10:31:46 MDT
Host Catalog ID: hcplg_Ia7R4E39oF
ID: hsplg_ZmoClk4HiD
Name: production
Type: plugin
Updated Time: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 10:31:46 MDT
Version: 2
ID: p_1234567890
Name: Generated project scope
Parent Scope ID: o_1234567890
Type: project
ID: pl_1PRTDb78iY
Name: aws
filters: tag:application=production
Authorized Actions:
Host IDs:
Notice the Host IDs
section of this output. Even though there are two production
instances, only one is listed in the host set.
To figure out what could be wrong, compare the members of the production
set to the members of the database
host set. Remember, members of the
and dev
host sets are a sub-set of the database
host set.
$ boundary host-sets read -id $DATABASE_HOST_SET_ID
Host Set information:
Created Time: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 10:35:54 MDT
Host Catalog ID: hcplg_Ia7R4E39oF
ID: hsplg_qnQM03I6yT
Name: database
Type: plugin
Updated Time: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 10:35:54 MDT
Version: 3
ID: p_1234567890
Name: Generated project scope
Parent Scope ID: o_1234567890
Type: project
ID: pl_1PRTDb78iY
Name: aws
filters: tag:service-type=database
Authorized Actions:
Host IDs:
By comparing the Host IDs
of the dev
host catalog to the production
catalog, notice that host hplg_7KjFRrcLxD
is missing from the production
host set, although it is contained within database
Update the misconfigured host
Perform a read on the missing host.
$ boundary hosts read -id hplg_7KjFRrcLxD
Host information:
Created Time: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 10:37:22 MDT
External ID: i-08c588f2d58120192
Host Catalog ID: hcplg_Ia7R4E39oF
ID: hplg_7KjFRrcLxD
Type: plugin
Updated Time: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 10:37:22 MDT
Version: 1
ID: p_1234567890
Name: Generated project scope
Parent Scope ID: o_1234567890
Type: project
ID: pl_1PRTDb78iY
Name: aws
Authorized Actions:
Host Set IDs:
IP Addresses:
DNS Names:
The External ID:
field shows the ID of the misconfigured host
in this example). Copy this value.
Recall that host set membership is defined based on the instance tags.
Describe the instance's details, and query for its tag values.
$ aws ec2 describe-instances \
--instance-ids i-08c588f2d58120192 \
--output table \
--query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].Tags[?contains(Key, `aws`) == `false`]'
Sample output:
$ aws ec2 describe-instances \
--instance-ids i-08c588f2d58120192 \
--output table \
--query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].Tags[?contains(Key, `aws`) == `false`]'
| DescribeInstances |
| Key | Value |
| service-type | database |
| Name | boundary-4-production |
| application | prod |
Notice that the application
tag is misconfigured as prod
, instead of
. An easy mistake to make!
Remember the filter defined for the production
host set:
The tag's value must equal production
exactly to be included in this host set.
Update the application
tag to production
for the misconfigured instance
using the aws ec2 create-tags
command, which will overwrite the existing tag
$ aws ec2 create-tags --resources i-08c588f2d58120192 --tags Key=application,Value=production
Re-run the describe-instances
command to directly query for the updated tag
Sample output:
$ aws ec2 describe-instances \
--instance-ids i-08c588f2d58120192 \
--output table \
--query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].Tags[?contains(Key, `aws`) == `false`]'
| DescribeInstances |
| Key | Value |
| application | production |
| service-type | database |
| Name | boundary-4-production |
Boundary will update the production
host set automatically the next time it
refreshes. This process could take up to ten minutes.
After waiting, read the production
host set again and verify that its Host
contain the updated host as a member.
$ boundary host-sets read -id $PRODUCTION_HOST_SET_ID
Host Set information:
Created Time: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 10:52:31 MDT
Host Catalog ID: hcplg_Ia7R4E39oF
ID: hsplg_ZmoClk4HiD
Name: production
Type: plugin
Updated Time: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 10:52:31 MDT
Version: 6
ID: p_1234567890
Name: Generated project scope
Parent Scope ID: o_1234567890
Type: project
ID: pl_1PRTDb78iY
Name: aws
filters: tag:application=production
Authorized Actions:
Host IDs:
Cleanup and teardown
Delete the CloudFormation
stack$ aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name boundary-dynamic-hosts
Wait a minute, then check that the
has changed toDELETE_COMPLETE
.$ aws cloudformation list-stacks { "StackSummaries": [ { "StackId": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:157470686136:stack/boundary-dynamic-hosts/05ea64a0-7bbf-11ec-9531-120baac28e1f", "StackName": "boundary-dynamic-hosts", "TemplateDescription": "AWS CloudFormation template for Boundary Dynamic Hosts tutorial. Deploying this template will incur costs to your AWS account.", "CreationTime": "2022-01-22T20:08:11.060000+00:00", "DeletionTime": "2022-01-22T21:22:37.577000+00:00", "StackStatus": "DELETE_COMPLETE", "DriftInformation": { "StackDriftStatus": "NOT_CHECKED" } } ] }
Delete the
EC2 keypair.$ aws ec2 delete-key-pair --key-name boundary-keypair
Delete the
user access key.Before deleting the
user all items attached to the user must be deleted. For more on deleting an IAM user, check the User Guide docs.First list the
user access keys.$ aws iam list-access-keys --user-name boundary { "AccessKeyMetadata": [ { "UserName": "boundary", "AccessKeyId": "AKIASWVU2XLZLFLIDMVW", "Status": "Active", "CreateDate": "2022-01-19T02:26:11+00:00" } ] }
Copy the
in this example).Now delete the access key.
$ aws iam delete-access-key --user-name boundary --access-key-id AKIASWVU2XLZLFLIDMVW
Delete the
policy.$ aws iam delete-user-policy --user-name boundary --policy-name BoundaryDescribeInstances
Delete the
IAM user.$ aws iam delete-user --user-name boundary
Stop Boundary
Log in to the HCP portal and delete the HCP Boundary instance.
Next steps
This tutorial demonstrated the steps to set up a dynamic host catalog using the AWS host plugin. You deployed and tagged hosts within AWS, configured a plugin-type host catalog within Boundary, and created three host sets that filtered for the hosts based on their tag values.
To learn more about integrating Boundary with cloud providers like AWS and Azure, check out the OIDC Authentication tutorial.